Frequently Asked Questions

How does the 30 day free trial work?

Your club can try the app for free for period of 30 days where parents and coaches experience Connect2Coach mobile app. Each club will receive a unique QR code which parents and coaches can then use to download the app. During 30 day free trial, club can transfer their database to Connect2Coach free of charge. Once 30 days is up club can decide whether to subscribe.

What steps does Connect2Coach take to keep my data safe?

We are following the best security process that are being practiced by the major organization in the industry providing the best possible security features for the system we are implementing as we are concerned with the importance of data.

Authenticating Users
We are using the latest technology of Laravel which uses “providers” and “guards” to facilitate the authentication process. The purpose of “guards” is to authenticate users for each request they make, while “providers” facilitates to retrieve back the users from the database.

Storing Passwords
We are using the Laravel , for storing the password, provides a class called “Hash” class which provides secure Bcrypt hashing.

CSRF Protection Cross-site request forgery (XSS)
Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks happen when attackers are able to place client-side JavaScript code in a page viewed by other users. To avoid this kind of attack, you should never trust any user-submitted data or escape any dangerous characters. You should favor the double-brace syntax ({{ $value }}) in your Blade templates, and only use the {!! $value !!} syntax, where you're certain the data is safe to display in its raw format.

Preventing SQL injection
SQL injection vulnerability exists when an application inserts arbitrary and unfiltered user input in an SQL
query. By default, Laravel will protect you against this type of attack since both the query builder and Eloquent use PHP Data Objects (PDO)
class behind the scenes. PDO uses prepared statements, which allows you to safely pass any parameters without having to escape and sanitize them.

Laravel’s Eloquent ORM uses PDO binding that protects from SQL injections. This feature ensures that no client could modify the intent
of the SQL queries.

Cookies – Secure by default − Laravel makes it very easy to create, read, and expire cookies with its Cookie class. In Laravel all
cookies are automatically signed and encrypted. This means that if they are tampered with, Laravel will automatically discard them. This also
means that you will not be able to read them from the client side using JavaScript.

SSL CERTIFIACTION Forcing HTTPS when exchanging sensitive data − HTTPS prevents attackers on the same network to intercept private information such as session variables and log in as the victim.

Are there any additional fees for features?

No. There are no additional fees for using any of Connect2Coach features. Clubs can send unlimited messages free of charge, video library has unlimited storage also free of charge and there is no ongoing fee for both coach and parents app.  

Is there any cost for parents?

No. There is no cost for parents to have their app, there is also no cost for credit card payments via the Connect2Coach app. 

Is Connect2Coach app available on both iOS and Android platforms?

Yes, our app is available on both iOS and Android platforms. 

Do I need to download any software to access admin portal?

No. Admin portal is cloud based and coaches and clubs can access portal from anywhere, just like they would log in to website.

Can you import data from previous software?

You club will have 2 QR codes, one for downloading the app and the second one linked to your club so that way parents will create their accounts and sub accounts, book their classes so the only thing that clubs need to do is to approve students in their classes in desktop admin portal. No more unnecessary admin time spending putting students in classes, parents will do the work for you! 

What support is provided?

You call our support team Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm. If you need a support with an urgent issue send us an email and we will be in touch to help.
What is the cost associated with using Connect2Coach?

  • monthly or yearly subscription plan based on the size of your club
  • no additional cost for mobile apps for all club users and their coaches
  • no additional cost for cloud based storage for videos
  • no additional cost for sms services
  • no additional cost for transporting your database to Connect2Coach
  • processing online payments require an admin fee

What system requirements do I need, to run Connect2Coach?

Connect2Coach is a cloud based software which means Connect2Coach is accessible from any browser on laptop, tablet or phone with internet connection.

Can you download your videos from Connect2Coach app?

Yes, parents can download their videos to their devices.